Are you a student or alumni of Boston University? Show your pride and order custom Boston University Checks today.
Boston University ranked among one of the nation’s top colleges and universities in 2015 according to U.S. News & World Report’s yearly best colleges rankings. Out of over 1,600 four-year colleges and universities, Boston University ranked 41, moving up one spot from last year. Rankings are based on peer ratings of graduation rates, retention rates, faculty resources, student selection, financial aid and alumni giving among other categories. The private university received 61 out of 100 total points available. U.S. News & World Report noted specifically the university’s highly ranked graduate schools in its report. Boston University tied in its ranking with six other universities including University of California, Davis, University of Illinois and Tulane University.
Whether you are still in school or have already graduated, you know you have pleasant memories of your experience at Boston. From the partying to the grueling studying, you wouldn’t be the same person without the university experience. What you need are customized Boston University checks to proudly show your affiliation.
So How Can I Order Custom Boston University Checks?
- Step 1 - First you will want to download a picture you want to have on your check. Keep the photo accessible on your computer.
- Step 2 - Next is finding a reputable online business that sells photo checks. I highly recommend Artistic Checks. The following link will take you directly to the page you want to go. Click this link: Custom Photo Checks I recommend Carousel Checks because it is one of the largest and reputable online business. I love the fact that the quality of the checks are excellent and the price is the best I've found. After clicking above link, remember to use the following coupon codes for more discounts: APCC20PERCENT (Get 20% off when you order 2 boxes or more).
- Step 3 - Upload Photo and Customize Now that you are on the "Custom Photo Check" page, choose whether you want check singles or duplicates, select the quantity of checks you want to order, and then "Add to Cart". From there upload your image you have saved and proceed to checkout. On the checkout screen, insert the coupon code and complete your order!
Favorite Photo of Boston University:

For a listing of personal checks available from another University, check out the main University Checks page.